Our Landline: 07 574 3799
Free Phone: 0800 776877

6 Grenada Street, Level 1, Bayfair, Mount Maunganui

Surgery Opening Hours:
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday to Friday

skinspots@molemap.co.nz or complete form below to arrange an appointment

Skinspots street view

While the Skinspots clinic will continue to operate from our current address, please note that the car park next to the building will be utilised as part of the construction site.

To access our clinic during this period, kindly turn off Grenada Street onto Zambuck Way and utilise the car park behind our current building.

If you have limited mobility or have recently undergone surgery, it is recommended that you consider being dropped off in the Emergency Drop Off & Wheelchair Parking area.

Skinspots Parking map

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